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Tiny Toy Poodles Glamour Poodles

Friday, 2025-02-07, 2:17 AM
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Male vs female dogs
Female dogs have been to know to be more independent.  Female dogs tend to have mood swings.  They have been known for the sulk looks they can give.  They are also stubborn when it comes to training.  They like to be very independent and do things on their own terms.  Remember a female dog that is not spayed will come into heat every 6 months.
Male dogs tend to be more focused on their owners.  They always want to please their owner.  Male dogs have more stable moods.  Male dogs are more dependent, people view them as very affectionate.  Boy dogs have been know to mark their territory more than female dogs.  You can stop them from marking their territory by having him neutered before six months of age.
If you already have a dog you should consider the sex of that dog and get the opposite.  Mos dogs of the same sex tend to fight more than a couple of opposite sexed dogs.  The worst combination is two female dogs because they tend to fight alot.
Both female and male dogs will mark their territory.  However, if you spay or neuter your pet this should not happen.
Whether you choose a male or female, it needs to be trained.  Training your pet is essential to having the best relationship possible.  It makes your pet be able to understand better what is that you really want them to do.  When your pet knows what makes you happy they're happy.  Also, your pet will view you as the leader of the pack.
Category: My articles | Added by: rosie (2010-05-21) | Author: Rosie Berry W
Views: 9419 | Comments: 4 | Tags: female, male, puppy | Rating: 1.0/1
Total comments: 4
4 LaTisha Jackson  
I’m looking for a male poodle preferably white.

3 Terri Simmons  
I have ptsd mild case and looking for a teacup or toy poodle. My therapist and doctor think it would be very helpful as I do as well. My mom and I live together to save on expenses so he or she wouldn't be left alone for long periods of time. I left a voicemail with Rosie. I live in Bryant, Arkansas. My name is Terri Simmons

2 jimmy  
looking for a year or less old, compainion for disable lady, we had to have ours put down after 13 years.

1 Cara & Rob Garcia  
This Artical was great help on my desion on the sex of our new addition to our family.
Thank you we are very excited to Be getting MICKEY MOUSE! :~>

The Garcia Family

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